Coverage for Cyber and Computer Related Risks

如果你所在的城市怀疑或认为它已经经历了数据泄露或其他类型的网络或隐私事件, contact LMCIT claims staff immediately at (800) 925-1122. Please don’t hesitate to call. 我们的理赔人员将帮助您确认、响应并从网络事件中恢复.

明尼苏达城市保险信托联盟(LMCIT)为会员的网络和其他与计算机相关的风险提供广泛的保险. It is issued under the following coverage parts.

First-party coverage (for members’ own claims)

LMCIT的第一方网络覆盖将以两种方式作出回应:1)对会员的 suspected data security breach, and/or 2) To a member’s actual claim that has resulted from their own data breach or cyber event. This coverage was previously provided under LMCIT’s property coverage, 但它现在是一个单独的保险文件,明确的保费收费.

Following are the types of cyber risks that are covered:

  1. Data security breach response costs, like legal and information technology consulting, providing notice to affected persons, credit monitoring and identity theft services, and other reasonable expenses incurred to respond to a breach.
  2. 因网络病毒或黑客攻击而造成的收入损失、额外费用和加急费用.
  3. 复制或恢复被未经授权的侵入代码或程序损坏或破坏的电子数据的成本, such as a virus, hacker, or similar attack.
  4. 修理或更换由于未经授权的侵入性代码或编程而导致不能正常工作的计算机设备的费用, such as a virus, hacker, or similar attack.

There is a $250,000 aggregate limit per member for the first-party coverage. Members can increase that limit to $500,如果他们对以下损失控制问题的回答是肯定的,则需要额外的保险费.

  • Is annual cyber training provided to all employees?
  • Are computer use policies in place?
  • Is there a firewall between the internet and the member’s network?
  • Are monthly updates being done on antivirus and Windows software?
  • Are monthly data backup procedures in place?

除了总量之外,对于第一方网络索赔还有一个共享池限制阈值. Members share a $10 million limit for common causes, or similar cyber claims stemming from one event, and a $25 million aggregate limit over a 12-month period.

Liability and third-party coverage (for external parties’ claims)

LMCIT’s municipal liability coverage, which is on a claims-made basis, 是否会对因会员数据安全漏洞或其他计算机相关风险而导致的另一方索赔作出回应. 这种保险的费用包括在会员的总责任保险费中.

The standard limit is $2 million per occurrence. There are, however, two annual aggregate limits:

  • $3 million annual aggregate (total amount of coverage for the year, 无论索赔的数量如何),对于因数据安全漏洞而引起的第三方责任索赔.
  • $250,支付卡行业(PCI)罚款的年度总额/限额(300万美元数据安全漏洞总额的一部分,但不包括在内), penalties, and assessments; and data security breach regulatory fines and penalties resulting from a data security breach claim.

Examples of data security breach claims include:

  • Member is sued for invasion of privacy or a data practices violation. 这可能是由于外界实际或潜在的未经授权访问存储在会员计算机系统中的私人或机密数据造成的.
  • 成员未能阻止黑客入侵紧急调度、交通信号灯或水塔系统. 该事件不一定涉及未经授权获取个人或机密数据.
  • 一名员工丢失了一台笔记本电脑,犯罪分子通过它访问了该员工的文件, 包括员工姓名、社会安全号码和其他机密信息. 一名或多名员工因未经授权获取数据而遭受损害.
  • 一个会员的应收账款系统,其中包含姓名和信用卡号码,被黑客入侵. An individual incurs damages as a result.

LMCIT的责任范围也适用于会员可能面临的其他类型的计算机相关责任索赔,这些索赔不涉及数据安全漏洞. The $3 million annual aggregate does not apply to these types of claims. Examples include:

  • Member employee uses member’s email system for sexual, racial, or other harassment of another employee.
  • Member employee subscribes to a job-related Listserv, makes comments there about a vendor, and gets sued for defamation.
  • Member employee uses member’s web access to view pornography; another employee sees it and sues the member for a hostile work environment.
  • Member is sued because its website infringes on a copyright or trademark.

Crime coverage (theft by external parties)

拥有LMCIT财产保险的会员可以获得标准的犯罪保险,无需额外收费. 下列各类索赔的标准限额为每次事件250 000美元:

  • Loss of money resulting from theft by an outside party, including theft by electronic means, such as wire transfer fraud.
  • 信用卡诈骗造成的损失,否则发卡人无法赔偿, owner, or holder of the card. However, following a credit card fraud loss that involves a point-of-sale terminal, 除非会员采取进一步行动,通过安装和转换信用卡芯片技术来防止未来的损失,否则保险条款可能会受到限制.

There is a $50,000 sublimit for:

  • Fraudulent instruction claims, 由LMCIT定义为“雇员信赖自称是同事或代表的人的欺诈性指示而造成的损失,而该个人或实体已向该成员提供或将向其提供货物或服务。.”

Municipal bond coverage (theft by internal parties)

LMCIT的债券保险是财产/意外保险计划成员可选择的保险. Bond coverage will respond to theft of member funds by an internal party, including theft by electronic means. Bond limits are available between $50,000 and $3 million per occurrence.

Auto coverage

LMCIT的汽车物理损害保险对计算机病毒或黑客攻击造成的汽车损害作出反应. 不包括因未经授权的侵入性编程代码而造成的损失, such as computer viruses or hacking. However, 由于丧失转向能力或控制转向而造成的碰撞造成的损坏除外, braking or other vehicle controls.

Additional resources

保险公司可以帮助您解决有关保险范围等问题. Connect with LMCIT underwriters by going to the League of Minnesota Cities staff page and choosing “underwriting” under the “Department” section.
